[Nav2 WG Notes] June 8, 2023


  • Steve Macenski
  • Josh Wallace
  • Stephen Adhisaputra
  • Ruffin White
  • Alexey Merzlyakov
  • Aarushi Mehta
  • Awab Syed
  • Ryan Friedman
  • Rohit Singh
  • Shyam Ganatra



  • Open Navigation LLC’s launch!
    • See blog post for more information: We're Go For Launch — Open Navigation LLC

    • This is a great new journey and chapter in the ROS ecosystem :slight_smile:

    • Our mission is to develop, support, and maintain the Nav2 project and more broadly mobile robotics ecosystem in open-source ROS

    • Looking for sponsors and partners to help us in this mission to make sure Nav2 / ROS can be sustainably maintained for the long-term to support the entire project lifecycle of our users

    • Sponsor’s funding is used for upkeep, maintaince, community response, quality control, and development fully in open-source

    • In exchange, get extended private access to navigation expertise, prioritization in communications / PR reviews to have their issues responded to first, and influence over the roadmap direction to make sure we’re balancing value producing activities to the sponsors and broader community

    • We’re also available for consulting and contracting w.r.t. Nav2 / ROS / mobile robotics technologies

    • If interested → please let me know! I’m looking still for 1-2 more for this year (sponsors@opennav.org)

    • Dexory: https://www.dexory.com

      • Platinum
      • Makers of a warehouse inventory management system using Nav2 to power their robotic data-collection platform.
      • Super cool robot, can take measurements up to 12 meters tall via an expandable boom and uses much of the latest-and-greatest in the Nav2 stack to enable it
      • Their product is selling the data collected and derived insights to help power better business decisions and warehouse operations state.
      • Have been great partners to Nav2 for a long time and really happy to be working with them more closely
    • Polymath Robotics: https://www.polymathrobotics.com/

      • Silver
      • Makers of safety-critical navigation systems for massive industrial vehicles like tractors, mining equipment, etc using Nav2 to power the core technology.
      • They provide simple to use APIs for non-robotics experts to automate traditional machinery, rapidly. Super cool to see all the applications Nav2 is helping them power!
      • They work on some really cool outdoor ackermann vehicles so its great to have a diversity of applications to help improve Nav2 for us all and the generalization of this stack
    • Stereolabs: https://www.stereolabs.com

      • Silver
      • Makers of the ZED cameras, powered by the Nvidia Jetson boards and comes with a spatial AI SDK to do detection, VIO, VSLAM, tracking and more
      • Recently released a new set of cameras, ZED X, specifically for mobile robotics applications that I’m excited to get my hands on and test
      • ZED X - AI Stereo Camera for Robotics | Stereolabs
      • Low min-Z, great depth quality, integrated IMU, small, hardware synchronized with industrialized connectors, etc. Super solid option now with a camera designed for mobile robotics!
      • Excited to see how Nav2 users can leverage their expertise, sensors, and SDKs to speed up robotics applications and fix long-standing problems with VIO/VSLAM. I think this could be a game changer for some!
    • Confidential

      • Silver
      • I can’t say much, but for transparancy I made part of the sponsorship that any explicit requests made had to be attributed to them, even namelessly
      • But, they’ve pretty much laid out that the roadmap I have for the foreseeable future is in their own best interest so they have requested nothing in particular beyond “keep doing what you’re doing”

New additions of note:

  • Adding composition node support for Collision Monitor and Costmap Filter Server (Alexey Merzlyakov, Filipe Cerveira)
  • MPPI fix for trivially short paths in the path following critic (Guillaume Doisy)
  • Fixing incorrect and potential infinite looping problem using Theta* in SLAM sessions while resizing the node pool (Steve Macenski)
  • Releasing Iron binaries, testing, and updating the README with the build statuses on Iron (Steve Macenski)
  • Adding Collision Monitor Limit-polygon type to limit max velocities (Brice Renaudeau)
  • Fixing CI jobs to be green from testing failures in the Smoother Server, Costmap2D, and Behavior Tree Nodes (Steve Macenski)

New bugs of note

  • Smac Planners when the costmap is misconfigured to not have the inflation radius at least the robot’s largest cross-section (non-circular only) can fail to collision check properly in non-lethal cases. A check needs to be added to the Smac Planners to evaluate that the largest-cross-section cost is non-zero to use collision checking optimizations. If not, throw warning to inform users or revert to non-optimized collision checking.