LIMO ROS2 Robot Meet The Construct 📢

LIMO ROS2 Robot Meet The Construct :loudspeaker:

Calling all robot enthusiasts! :robot: Don’t miss our FREE LIMO ROBOT COURSE happening this Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024.

:spiral_calendar: When: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

:watch: Duration: 1 hour FREE

:tv: Where: The Construct YouTube Channel

:mortar_board: Course: Ackermann Motion Control for the LIMO ROS Robot

In this exciting online course, you’ll master the Ackermann motion control system powering the LIMO robot built on the Robot Operating System (ROS). Get ready to:

:books: Learn the fundamentals of Ackermann steering geometry

:wrench: Implement motion control for the LIMO robot’s movements

:rocket: Level up your ROS robotics skills

Don’t wait - open The Construct YouTube channel this Tuesday and join us for 1 hour of FREE robotic learning!

Drop a :fire: if you’re excited to attend!

#LIMORobot ros robotics #MotionControl #FreeOnlineCourse #AgileXRobotics #TheConstruct #Openclass ros2 robot #educational #researcher #engineer