New edition of the ROS MOOC from TUDelft for ROS beginners

Dear All,

I am pleased to announce a new edition of the ROS MOOC, Hello (Real) World with ROS . The course will open on 2020-01-15T12:00:00Z on the edX online learning platform.

You can enrol now at the Course Webpage for a fun ROS learning journey!

This course is a part of the educational activities of the EU project ROSIN and is offered by the TU Delft Cognitive Robotics department with the support of the Online Learning School.

The target audience for the course are beginner level ROS1 users. The course will be instructor paced and of 6 weeks duration. A study/work load of about 8-12 hours per week is expected.

See you online from January 15th!

On behalf of the Delft ROS MOOC team,
Mario Garzón Oviedo