New INA219 I2C driver for ROS

I wrote a driver for the Texas Instruments INA219 current and voltage monitor (used in, for example: I’m often surprised that stuff like this doesn’t exist already. I found a couple of Python implementations but for something as simple and “lowly” as reading bytes of I2C and spitting them out on a ROS topic, Python consumes a bit much in terms of resources. I have especially users of e.g. Raspberry Pis and other small embedded hardware in mind for this. Same for the other I2C nodes I posted recently.


I just mounted your driver ina219 for ROS (JETBIOT NVIDIA) and is at the first glace is working good, but i realized that the current data and voltage data always is the same value and if i stop the node and start again the values are updated.

Looks like the values get freeze and always are the same. And compareting with the jetson python program, looks like the data from your driver is not correct.