New Package to bridge ROS2 with VDA 5050 standard

I’m happy to share that we have released an open source connector for enabling VDA 5050 compliance in ROS2 robots. It can be thought of as a bridge between a VDA5050 Master Control and the ROS2 robot API.

This was a joint effort between InOrbit and OTTO Motors, with assistance from Ekumen, to improve interoperability in the robotics ecosystem. This connector allows adapters to be developed that enable a wide range of functionality utilizing the VDA 5050 protocol.

InOrbit also has a repository that contains useful packages and tools to work with the VDA 5050 Connector package. These resources provide a starting point to implement your own VDA 5050 Adapter.

We invite you to try it out! If you happen to be at AMR&L in Boston this week, we will be showing robots using the connector live on Wednesday October 12th at 12:30 PM and Thursday October 13th at 1:45 PM.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly or join our Discord, where our engineers like to hang out and answer questions.



If you’re lucky enough to attend ROSCon, there will be a Lightning Talk about the Connector from the CTOs of OTTO and InOrbit!

Oh nice, do you know, when it will be during Lighting Talk? 20 or 21 of October? :slight_smile: Looking forward to see it in person.

The lightning talk was accepted and will be happening on Friday October 21st at 11:30am!


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