We’re happy to announce a new Foxy release!
This release brings a number of new packages as well as some updates to ROS 2 core packages. For a full list of patches to core packages, see the project board on GitHub.
Package Updates for foxy
Added Packages [48]:
- ros-foxy-costmap-queue: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-dwb-core: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-dwb-critics: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-dwb-msgs: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-dwb-plugins: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-dynamic-edt-3d: 1.9.5-2
- ros-foxy-nav-2d-msgs: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav-2d-utils: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-amcl: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-behavior-tree: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-bringup: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-bt-navigator: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-common: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-controller: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-core: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-costmap-2d: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-dwb-controller: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-gazebo-spawner: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-lifecycle-manager: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-map-server: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-msgs: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-navfn-planner: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-planner: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-recoveries: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-rviz-plugins: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-util: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-voxel-grid: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-nav2-waypoint-follower: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-navigation2: 0.4.1-1
- ros-foxy-octomap: 1.9.5-2
- ros-foxy-octomap-msgs: 2.0.0-1
- ros-foxy-octovis: 1.9.5-2
- ros-foxy-realtime-tools: 2.1.0-1
- ros-foxy-tango-icons-vendor: 0.0.1-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-abb: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-core: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-demos: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-epuck: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-examples: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-importer: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-msgs: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-tiago: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-universal-robot: 0.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-webots-ros2-ur-e-description: 0.0.4-1
Updated Packages [37]:
- ros-foxy-control-msgs: 2.3.0-3 -> 2.4.0-1
- ros-foxy-desktop: 0.9.1-1 -> 0.9.2-1
- ros-foxy-interactive-markers: 2.1.1-1 -> 2.1.2-1
- ros-foxy-nodl-python: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.2.0-1
- ros-foxy-rcl: 1.1.5-1 -> 1.1.6-1
- ros-foxy-rcl-action: 1.1.5-1 -> 1.1.6-1
- ros-foxy-rcl-lifecycle: 1.1.5-1 -> 1.1.6-1
- ros-foxy-rcl-yaml-param-parser: 1.1.5-1 -> 1.1.6-1
- ros-foxy-rclcpp: 2.0.1-1 -> 2.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-rclcpp-action: 2.0.1-1 -> 2.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-rclcpp-components: 2.0.1-1 -> 2.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-rclcpp-lifecycle: 2.0.1-1 -> 2.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-rclpy: 1.0.3-1 -> 1.0.4-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-connext-cpp: 1.0.0-1 -> 1.0.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-connext-shared-cpp: 1.0.0-1 -> 1.0.1-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp: 0.7.1-1 -> 0.7.2-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-fastrtps-cpp: 1.0.1-1 -> 1.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp: 1.0.1-1 -> 1.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp: 1.0.1-1 -> 1.0.2-1
- ros-foxy-ros-base: 0.9.1-1 -> 0.9.2-1
- ros-foxy-ros-core: 0.9.1-1 -> 0.9.2-1
- ros-foxy-ros1-bridge: 0.9.2-1 -> 0.9.3-1
- ros-foxy-ros2action: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2cli: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2component: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2doctor: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2interface: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2lifecycle: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2multicast: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2node: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2nodl: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.2.0-1
- ros-foxy-ros2param: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2pkg: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2run: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2service: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
- ros-foxy-ros2topic: 0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.7-1
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Alejandro Hernandez
- Anup Pemmaiah
- Armin Hornung
- Bence Magyar
- Brian Wilcox
- Carl Delsey
- Carlos Orduno
- Christoph Sprunk
- Claire Wang
- Cyberbotics
- David V. Lu!!
- Dirk Thomas
- Erik Boasson
- Jacob Perron
- Karsten Knese
- Michael Carroll
- Michael Jeronimo
- Michel Hidalgo
- Mohammad Haghighipanah
- Steve Macenski
- Steven! Ragnarök
- Ubuntu Robotics
- William Woodall
- Wolfgang Merkt
- lkumarbe