We’re happy to announce 51 new packages 118 updated packages, and 1 removed package.
Thank you to all the maintainers who help keep making these packages available. Full details are below.
Package Updates for kinetic
Added Packages [51]:
- ros-kinetic-agni-tf-tools: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-ati-ft-sensor: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-dartsim: 6.3.1-2
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h: 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-base-module: 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-manager: 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-mbf-abstract-core: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-mbf-abstract-nav: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-mbf-costmap-core: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-mbf-costmap-nav: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-mbf-msgs: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-mbf-simple-nav: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-mbf-utility: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-move-base-flex: 0.1.0-1
- ros-kinetic-op3-action-module: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-balance-control: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-base-module: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-description: 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-direct-control-module: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-gazebo: 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-localization: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-manager: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-online-walking-module: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-online-walking-module-msgs: 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-walking-module: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-rh-p12-rn: 0.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-rh-p12-rn-base-module: 0.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-rh-p12-rn-base-module-msgs: 0.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-rh-p12-rn-description: 0.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-rh-p12-rn-gazebo: 0.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-rh-p12-rn-gui: 0.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-rh-p12-rn-manager: 0.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-op3: 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-op3-common: 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-sbpl: 1.2.0-2
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-action-module: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-base-module: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-feet-ft-module: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-gripper-module: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-head-control-module: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-manager: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-manipulation-module: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-mpc: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-mpc-sensors: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-ppc: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-walking-demo: 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-autorace: 1.0.0-0
- ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-autorace-camera: 1.0.0-0
- ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-autorace-control: 1.0.0-0
- ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-autorace-core: 1.0.0-0
- ros-kinetic-turtlebot3-autorace-detect: 1.0.0-0
Updated Packages [118]:
- ros-kinetic-actionlib: 1.11.12-0 -> 1.11.13-0
- ros-kinetic-amcl: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-astra-camera: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.2-1
- ros-kinetic-astra-launch: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.2-0
- ros-kinetic-base-local-planner: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-carrot-planner: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-class-loader: 0.3.8-0 -> 0.3.9-0
- ros-kinetic-clear-costmap-recovery: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-cm-740-module: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-combined-robot-hw: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-combined-robot-hw-tests: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-controller-interface: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-controller-manager: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-controller-manager-msgs: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-controller-manager-tests: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-costmap-2d: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-default-cfg-fkie: 0.7.7-0 -> 0.7.8-0
- ros-kinetic-dwa-local-planner: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamic-reconfigure: 1.5.48-0 -> 1.5.49-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.4-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-controllers: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.4-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-msgs: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-operators: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.4-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-single-manager: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.4-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-single-manager-gui: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.4-0
- ros-kinetic-dynamixel-workbench-toolbox: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.4-0
- ros-kinetic-fake-localization: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-control: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-description: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-example-controllers: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-gripper: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-hw: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-msgs: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-ros: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-franka-visualization: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-global-planner: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-hardware-interface: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-hokuyo3d: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-joint-limits-interface: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-joint-state-publisher: 1.12.12-0 -> 1.12.13-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-base-module-msgs: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-bringup: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-description: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-gazebo: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-gui: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-manipulator-h-kinematics-dynamics: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.3.1-0
- ros-kinetic-map-server: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-master-discovery-fkie: 0.7.7-0 -> 0.7.8-0
- ros-kinetic-master-sync-fkie: 0.7.7-0 -> 0.7.8-0
- ros-kinetic-motion-module-tutorial: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-move-base: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-move-slow-and-clear: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-multimaster-fkie: 0.7.7-0 -> 0.7.8-0
- ros-kinetic-multimaster-msgs-fkie: 0.7.7-0 -> 0.7.8-0
- ros-kinetic-nav-core: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-navfn: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-navigation: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-node-manager-fkie: 0.7.7-0 -> 0.7.8-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-action-module-msgs: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-head-control-module: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-kinematics-dynamics: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-offset-tuner-msgs: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-op3-walking-module-msgs: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-open-cr-module: 0.1.1-0 -> 0.2.1-0
- ros-kinetic-opencv3: 3.3.1-0 -> 3.3.1-5
- ros-kinetic-oxford-gps-eth: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.0.6-0
- ros-kinetic-panda-moveit-config: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.4.0-0
- ros-kinetic-pluginlib: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
- ros-kinetic-pr2-controller-configuration-gazebo: 2.0.9-0 -> 2.0.10-0
- ros-kinetic-pr2-gazebo: 2.0.9-0 -> 2.0.10-0
- ros-kinetic-pr2-gazebo-plugins: 2.0.9-0 -> 2.0.10-0
- ros-kinetic-pr2-simulator: 2.0.9-0 -> 2.0.10-0
- ros-kinetic-resource-retriever: 1.12.3-0 -> 1.12.4-0
- ros-kinetic-robot-pose-ekf: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-controller: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.9-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-controller-msgs: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.4-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-device: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.9-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-framework: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.9-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-framework-common: 0.2.7-0 -> 0.2.9-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-math: 0.2.3-0 -> 0.2.6-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-op3-msgs: 0.1.0-0 -> 0.1.1-0
- ros-kinetic-robotis-utility: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
- ros-kinetic-ros-control: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-ros-emacs-utils: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
- ros-kinetic-ros-madplay-player: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
- ros-kinetic-ros-mpg321-player: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
- ros-kinetic-ros-type-introspection: 1.0.2-1 -> 1.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-rosemacs: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
- ros-kinetic-roslisp-repl: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
- ros-kinetic-rosparam-handler: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
- ros-kinetic-rotate-recovery: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-rqt-bag: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
- ros-kinetic-rqt-bag-plugins: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
- ros-kinetic-rqt-controller-manager: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-sbg-driver: 1.1.5-0 -> 1.1.6-0
- ros-kinetic-sensor-module-tutorial: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-slime-ros: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
- ros-kinetic-slime-wrapper: 0.4.11-0 -> 0.4.12-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-action-module-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-balance-control: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-common: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-description: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-feet-ft-module-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-gazebo: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-head-control-module-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-imu-3dm-gx4: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-kinematics-dynamics: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-manipulation-demo: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-manipulation-module-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-offset-tuner-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-sensors: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-walking-module: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.2.0-0
- ros-kinetic-thormang3-walking-module-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.3.0-0
- ros-kinetic-transmission-interface: 0.13.0-0 -> 0.13.1-0
- ros-kinetic-video-stream-opencv: 1.0.2-2 -> 1.1.0-0
- ros-kinetic-voxel-grid: 1.14.2-0 -> 1.14.3-0
- ros-kinetic-xacro: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
Removed Packages [1]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
- Alexander Tiderko
- Atsushi Watanabe
- Chris Lalancette
- David V. Lu!!
- Davide Faconti
- Dirk Thomas
- Franka Emika GmbH
- Gayane Kazhoyan
- Jeremie Deray
- Jorge Santos
- Kelsey Hawkins
- Kevin Hallenbeck
- Michael X. Grey
- Mikael Arguedas
- Pyo
- ROS Orphaned Package Maintainers
- Robert Haschke
- Sammy Pfeiffer
- Sebastian Pütz
- Thomas Le Mézo
- Tim Liu
- Toni Oliver
- Vincent Rabaud