New packages for Melodic 2021-06-09

We’re happy to announce the next update of ROS Melodic. There are 11 new packages as well as 75 updated packages. Full details are below.

Package Updates for melodic

Added Packages [11]:

Updated Packages [75]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

  • Alexander Gutenkunst
  • Alexey Rogachevskiy
  • Atsushi Watanabe
  • Blake Anderson
  • Chittaranjan Srinivas Swaminathan
  • Chris Iverach-Brereton
  • Dave Coleman
  • David V. Lu!!
  • Davide Faconti
  • Dennis Maier
  • Felix Exner
  • G.A. vd. Hoorn
  • Isaac I. Y. Saito
  • Jon Binney
  • Justin Carpentier
  • Kevin Hallenbeck
  • Martin Pecka
  • Mathias Lüdtke
  • Michael Ferguson
  • Michael Görner
  • Mike Purvis
  • Oleg Kalachev
  • RT Corporation
  • Raghavender Sahdev
  • Robert Haschke
  • Tim Clephas
  • Tony Baltovski
  • Tyler Weaver

Can you please create melodic/2021-06-09 tag in rosdistro repository?

Done now, sorry about that.