New Packages for Noetic 2025-02-13

We’re happy to announce 0 new packages and 2 updates are now available in ROS Noetic. This sync was tagged as noetic/2025-02-13.

Thank you to every maintainer and contributor who made these updates available!

Package Updates for ROS Noetic

Added Packages [0]:

Updated Packages [2]:

Removed Packages [0]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

  • Hans-Joachim Krauch
  • Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco

Hi sloretz,

just a quick question because I’m not super familiar with the release process:

In the last sync, the grpc package got updated to v0.0.14, which unfortunately broke our build on arm64. It seems like the maintainers fixed the problem in the meantime and released v0.0.16 ~2 weeks ago. See this issue for reference: Use system library for SSL and ZLIB by furushchev · Pull Request #54 · CogRob/catkin_grpc · GitHub

I would’ve expected that the package gets updated with this sync, but seems like that is not the case (probably I’m just a bit lost how the whole process works). Can you tell me when we can expect this update to hit the repositories?

Thanks in advance!

It is the responsibility of the package maintainers to push the new version for release. You should ask in their repo for updating the package.

The role of the release manager (@sloretz) is just to accept (and review) these requests for version updates.

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Hi, thanks for the quick reply!

However, as far as I can tell, they went through the release process, see the release repo: GitHub - CogRobRelease/catkin_grpc-release: Integrates gRPC into Catkin/ROS ecosystem.. The rosdistro repo also shows the latest version: rosdistro/noetic/distribution.yaml at master · ros/rosdistro · GitHub

Sorry again if there’s a misunderstanding on my side. If the catkin_grpc maintainers need to go through an additional step, then I’ll contact them directly.

The reason it didn’t get updated is because it has failed to build since January 28th: Nbin_uF64__grpc__ubuntu_focal_amd64__binary [Jenkins] . You should contact the upstream maintainers to look into it.


Oh well, that explains it of course. Will contact the maintainers. And know I also know where to look at if I run into something like this again. Thanks for the help!

Also, the latest release they wanted to import is 0.0.16~1 and not 0.0.16~2: Pull requests · ros/rosdistro · GitHub .