New Zenoh bridge for ROS 2


I’m pleased to announce that a brand new Zenoh bridge for ROS 2 is now available !

The zenoh-bridge-dds already helped a lot of ROS users to overcome the issues occurring with DDS communication over wireless networks or at large scale.

This new bridge, dedicated to ROS 2, brings a few advantages, namely:

  • Better integration of the ROS graph (all ROS topics/services/actions can be seen across bridges)
  • Better support of ROS toolings (ros2, rviz2…)
  • Configuration of a ROS namespace on the bridge, instead of on each ROS Nodes
  • Easier integration with Zenoh native applications (services and actions are mapped to Zenoh Queryables)
  • Even more compact exchanges of discovery information between the bridges

This work is not related to the incoming rmw_zenoh. But some patterns of Zenoh usage here could be reused in a rmw_zenoh. Eventually, we will ensure this bridge allows communication between RMW/DDS Nodes and RMW/Zenoh nodes.

This week at ROSCon New Orleans, we will demonstrate this bridge running on two Turtlebot4. Come to see this at ZettaScale booth (8 and 9) and to ask me any question !


Happy to hear that !, btw, Can we use zenoh as cyclone dds or fastdds now?

@JEnoch thanks for your work! Are there any dates, when rmw_zenoh will be available?

Hi @r7vme & @echoOoo,
At ROSCon 2023, Intrinsic announced they would like to release a first version of rmw_zenoh with Jazzy Jalisco (May 2024).
They already started to work on it, and at ZettaScale we actively support them wrt. the design and some required features in zenoh-c API.


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