The next ROS Rust Working Group meeting will be: 2020-11-18T15:00:00Z
Thanks for filling out the Doodle from the previous post to pick the next meeting time. I picked the most popular slot earlier in the day to accommodate our guest speakers from Europe with ATOLabs and ADLINK, who will be presenting and demoing Zenoh and zenoh-plugin-dds:
For more background, you can checkout @joespeed 's recent posts on the subject here:
Please comment to suggest any item updates to the agenda.
Zenoh presentation and demo
Q/A with open discussion
Regular status updates
As an update, the meeting minutes have been posted and can be reviewed here:
The video recording the meeting has been uploaded and can be viewed here:
Also, you can now chat with the group via matrix at . Feel free to join the community as well as the current room, so you can easily see when more specific rooms are added.
ROS Rust WG presentation and demo of Eclipse Zenoh project’s zenoh-plugin-dds which gives ROS 2: scalable, fault tolerant and efficient discovery; DDS bridging for WANs and to cloud; wireless support for WiFi, LTE, 5G, et al. Zenoh works with all Tier-1 ROS middlewares. Zenoh is written in Rust. Zenoh also includes C clients for microcontrollers. rmw_zenoh for micro-ROS is in progress. Eclipse CycloneDDS has Rust binding for native integration with Zenoh. Chat with Zenoh developers & users via Gitter
Hey folks, I’ve updated the top post to link back to meeting notes and the video recording. Please check it out, and if I missed your name or user handel from the attendance, please feel free to add yourself via a suggested change comment; it’d be good to know your usernames.
As an action item, please subscribe to future ROS Rust WG announcements by checking that you’ve increased the default notification level for the wg-rust tag, and similarly for any other attended WGs.
To change any of these defaults, see your user preferences, or visit the tag page, and use the notification control above the topic list (i.e. the bell notification icon), on the right hand side.
Next meeting’s agenda will focus on colcon-cargo; improving support for Rust and cargo within current ROS2 build tools and colcon workspaces. Please familiarize yourself with colcon and cargo.