OGC GeoPose Package

Hi all,

I’ve been working on a geospatial standard - OGC GeoPose - a standard for encoding the real world position and orientation of a real or digital object in relation to the physical world in a shared geospatial frame of reference. We’re keen for this to be utilised by anyone that would find this useful, and there may be many who use ROS that may. You can see the encodings of the different message types at OGC GeoPose 1.0 Data Exchange Draft Standard. The Standard contains:

  • A basic form with no configuration options for common use cases,
  • An advanced form with more flexibility for more complex applications, and
  • Composite GeoPose structures to support time series chain, and graph structures.

I’ve created ROS packages in the past but only locally. For publishing to the wider community once I’ve coded everything up as ogc_geopose_msgs, do I just go through the process detailed at First Time Release — ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation?

Anyway, I’m quite keen to hear from anyone in the ROS community that would be interested in this, to get an idea of how they might use GeoPose, plus any comments, questions etc.


I’ve created ROS packages in the past but only locally. For publishing to the wider community once I’ve coded everything up as ogc_geopose_msgs, do I just go through the process detailed at First Time Release — ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation ?

Those are the correct instructions for releasing a package, but you probably want to use a more recent version of ROS 2, like Humble or Jazzy. If you run into trouble you can find help on Discord.

I would suggest you provide a bit more context about your project to ROS users. Not every robot developer is familiar with geospatial coordinate frames and standards and why they are important. A demonstration of using your package with an existing robot would also be helpful for new users. :wink:

Many thanks for this Katherine. I’ll get that started soon.

In the meantime, I’ve made the migration of the package over to ROS2 (Humble; didn’t realise that I’d posted a Foxy link!). I just need to fully populate that with all the message types before I go down the official release route.

For anyone that’s interested, you can find the OGC GeoPose ROS2 package here:

and then a “geopose_ros_tools” package for running an OGC implementation here:

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