Open-source robotics at FOSdem, let's meet!

This weekend its FOSdem 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. Me and my colleagues from Bitcraze are loyal attendees and we would like to organize a Bird of a Feather for open source robotics this time!

The idea is to gauge the interest to propose a dev-room next year especially for open-source robotics, so the topic would be about discussing that possibility and of course to discuss and share interests future developments for robotics in both open-source software and hardware.

We will probably need to apply for the BoF rooms on site, so we are aiming for Sunday. We can update in this thread at exactly what time and in which room this will be organized in, so if you’d like to join, please keep an eye out on this thread.

So, who will be joining FOSdem as well and is interested to join this BoF meetup event?

Room H3.244


Hi! I am going to FOSDEM this year and would love to join this BoF. Having a dev-room for open-source robotics would be great.

I’ll keep an eye on this thread!


I’ll be there, not sure at what times though yet.

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I’m planning to be there as well

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Awesome! We were thinking of trying to aim for a BoF room at Sunday 11 am, such that if we want we can continue the discussions afterwards at lunch. We will update you once we managed to sign up first thing Saturday morning.

Looking forward to meeting you all there :slight_smile:

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I found the BoF rooms which are in building H. Rooms H3.242 and 244. There wasnt a paper there yet to sign up since they are running a bit late but once it does ill sign us up right away for tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Yeah so only the sign up papers for saturday are up, so means that we can only sign up tomorrow morning, so lets just set the time now. They are not filling up too fast anyway :smile:

At H3.242 or H3.244

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Finally I could sign us in!

We’ll meet at room H3.244 at 11 today

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Hi! Just an update, we had about 8 people who joined at the BoF! So we had our own little developer room going on there :smiley:

Seems like we should try to propose an open source robotics developer room for next year so we will get into that more seriously. We’ll update on ROS discourse if we do. Looking forward to it already!

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