ROS News for the Week of January 29th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of January 29th, 2024

:chart_with_upwards_trend: The 2023 ROS Metrics Report is out! The big news is that we’re over the hump! ROS 2 is now downloaded more often than ROS 1. In October of 2023 more ROS 2 Humble packages were downloaded than ROS 1 Noetic. If you are still using ROS 1 it really is time to think about upgrading to ROS 2.

Everyone was talking about it this week: Amazon’s $1.4B iRobot Deal is Dead. Now what?MorePodcast @ Robot ReportRobot Report. The iRobot team is a valuable part of the ROS ecosystem, and we’re all very concerned about our colleagues over there.

Check out this video from our first Gazebo Community Meeting of 2024. For this meeting a group from the Polytechnic University of Madrid presented on using drones and Aerostack 2 for the automated inspection of wind turbines. The meeting also had an amazing lightning talk about ColliderGen: a Blender plugin that helps you generate SDF collision models

It is Ground Hog Day here in the US. I’m a big fan of rodents, sensor systems, and bio-inspired robots so this paper for simulated mole rat whiskers for mining robotics using ROS caught my eye. The project is part of the EU funded RoboMiners ecosystem of projects.

I spent Tuesday afternoon with Phil from OpenCV Foundation checking out all of the cool new industrial cameras and sensors at SPIE Photonics West. I had a lot of great conversations with camera vendors about why they should create ROS 2 drivers and binary packages for their hardware. Anyway, the team at OpenCV asked me to relay the message that they now have swag for sale.




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