We’re excited to announce the first Robotics and Simulation devroom at FOSDEM 2025, scheduled for Sunday, February 2nd in Brussels!
A Robotics and Simulation developer room at FOSDEM, focused on core robotics libraries, frameworks, simulation tools, and open-source platforms. The selected talks will cover key tools like ROS and Gazebo, showcasing advancements and projects in the field. The half-day event will feature four presentations and a lightning talk session, offering a platform for developers to share work and foster collaboration.
Scope of Talks
Because of the varied and interdisciplinary nature of robotics as a field, plenty of topics could fit a ‘Robotics and Simulation’ devroom. To help the speakers target their presentations to a specific audience, and to minimize the overlap with other established FOSDEM devrooms, we defined the scope of this devroom by listing key areas of interest:
Core robotics libraries and applications. Mapping, planning, localization, perception, and control solutions would fit this category. For example, Cartographer, OMPL, grid_map, Octomap, PCL, OpEn, OpenRMF
Frameworks used when building robotics applications, being robotic specific tools, or generic tools used for robotics applications. Examples include ROS, Dora-RS, OpenRR, YARP, Zenoh, and Eclipse iceoryxOf course this is the ROS discourse but FOSDEM invites all types of robotic frameworks so please see this as an opportunity to learn from each other.
Specific robotic simulation software like Gazebo, Coppelia, or simulations using non robotic specific tools, like Bevy, Godot.
Robotic-specific devops and related tooling, like webviz, MCAP
Robotic products implemented using open source software. This can include examples of AI methods used to teach robots to perform certain tasks, or controlling robots using LLMs. For example, dora-rs, ros2ai, robo-gym
The examples mentioned are meant to be descriptive and not restricted. Talks could be improvements to any of the mentioned packages, interesting uses of them, alternatives with different degrees of maturity, or totally unrelated to them.
Submission instructions
Talks proposal submission:
Deadline: 1st December 2024
Accepted talks notification: 6th December 2024
Format (indicate that in the proposal notes)
20 mins + 5 mins for Q&A
5 min lightning talks
Use this link: FOSDEM 2025 :: pretalx and please choose “Robotics and Simulation” as the “Track” when submitting your talk.
Yes! It will. We can’t accept remote talks I’m afraid since the FOSDem organization does not have support for it, but each of the FOSDEM’s developer rooms are live streamed: FOSDEM 2025 - Live Streaming
This is fantastic. Thanks to the team for proposing this devroom and congrats on getting it accepted!
I plan to be at FOSDEM, and volunteer to take a shift helping in the room if needed (as long as it doesn’t overlap much with the Legal/Policy devroom).
Thanks! And it seems to be that the Legal&Policy room is on Saturday so that will work out perfectly.
The Robotics Devroom got a half day, namely the afternoon (still to be confirmed determined on schedule), which I get since it is only the first edition. So currently with the amount of people we have we should be fine for now, but thanks for offering! If we have drop-outs we will keep you in mind, but luckily the FOSdem organization usually has quite a lot of things covered in terms of scheduling, timing and recording so there is less of a workload on us except for just making sure that the speakers are in time.
I hope that you’ll consider to submit a talk as well
Hey, I was wondering if I could give a talk on some work I did with Hardware-in-the-loop for autonomous drone navigation. The work is built up on ROS, Gazebo and open source hardware.
@KimMcG Hey, my proposal for presentation did not get selected, and I was hoping if there is still some slot for 5 mins presentation, I would love to present my work. I saw all the presenters and I look forward to being there regardless. Thank you.
Hi! Sorry but the schedule is completely full and all speakers confirmed. We had way more proposals submitted then we expected, so we were sad we couldn’t fit everyone.