Preparing for Dashing sync and patch release: 2020-12-03

I’d like the next sync to be the eighth patch release of Dashing. The project board is a big one so I’ve started going through it to contact back-porters and releasers for each package. To stabilize the sync we’ll be holding releases early, one week from today 2020-11-24, after which point only fixes for outstanding regressions will be merged during the sync window.

In addition to allocating time for additional backports, the migration of to Ubuntu 20.04 is also on the books for me and as next week has a major US holiday I’ve got time for one or the other but not both.

I’ve just merged a bunch of core package releases for this patch release sync. Those will rebuild over the next 12-24 hours and we have the packages in the testing repositories they’ll be available to try out.

If you notice a regression please do the following:

  1. Open an issue for the regression on the most appropriate repository after first checking that no one else has opened an issue for the same problem.
  2. Post a link that issue in this discourse thread.

If you are a maintainer of a package and you find or are notified of a regression in your package please do the following:

  1. Consider reverting the release if a fix is not forthcoming within the time. Depending on the severity of a reported regression the ROS release management team may also propose reverting releases.
  2. If you have a fix for your package and you would like that fix to be released please post a link the ros/rosdistro bloom pull request in this thread together with the issue it resolves.
  3. Please also comment on the bloom pull request that the release fixes a regression in Dashing so the ROS release management team can consider that when reviewing, otherwise the release may be held instead.

If there are no reported regressions next week we’ll proceed with the sync and patch release as planned. fixes a release regression in rclc_examples.

The sync and patch release is out!

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