Hello Noetic maintainers!
Starting now, I will be holding new Noetic ros/rosdistro release PRs with a plan to sync ROS Noetic packages to the main apt repo on 2021/06/25. Please comment here if there are any issues I should know about before performing the sync.
There are currently 140 packages waiting to sync and one regression in the bota_driver
repository on armhf.
Hi @sloretz,
I have resolved the regression bug and made a relevant PR.
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The rviz issue turns out to be hard to reproduce. I’m not sure it really is an issue actually. Hence, this is not blocking the release anymore.
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The sync is out
. Now is a great time to make releases for the next sync 
Hi @sloretz, is there a sync schedule posted anywhere? I was just curious if it’s possible to know in advance when certain ROS distro syncs will happen. Currently they appear to happen roughly every month?
Roughly every 3 to 4 weeks. It can get delayed if there are regressions that need to be fixed.
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