Project Completed: GoPiGo3 on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic For Pi4

GoPiGo3 on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa with ROS Noetic

Companion to BRJapon, “Hands On ROS For Robotics Programming”


Released in mid 2018, ROS Melodic was a long term support version of ROS, and Ubuntu Mate 18.04 officially supported the Raspberry Pi 2B, 3B, and 3B+.

In 2020 BR Japon published the book “Hands On ROS For Robotics Programming” using the GoPiGo3 robot, ROS Melodic over Ubuntu Mate (Desktop) 18.04.

As of June 2023, ROS Melodic and Ubuntu Mate 1804 are archived and no longer supported, and the issue of not booting on a Raspberry Pi4 board - the board most easily obtained in late 2023, are major hurdles for GoPiGo3 robot users to use the book, just three years after it was published.

Since ROS Noetic is the latest ROS (1) distribution available and the last ROS (1) distribution that will be released it is hoped that this project and the resultant “ROS GoPiGo3 robot ready” SD card image will enable users to learn ROS from the Hands On ROS book, with a Pi4 powered GoPiGo3 robot.

Image and Installation are documented here:

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