ROS News for the Week of November 6th, 2023

ROS News for November 5th, 2023

ROSCon 2023 Videos and Slides Now Available! Our friends at PX4 have their event recaps up as well. Meanwhile, Odense Denmark is already planning ROSCon 2024.

We’ve got a ROS Meetup Singapore at the end of the month. This event will focus on robot dev ops!

The Conference on Robot Learning was this week. The gif above is taken from HomeRobot: Open Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation which uses a HelloRobot Stretch to basic tasks around the house. I’ve included some of the open access papers I came across this week below.

Cruise is not having a good week. Last week it was made public that Cruise vehicles needed human assistance every five miles. Early this week it was published that Cruise knew their cars had problems detecting children while driving autonomously. Now Cruise and GM are recalling all their autonomous vehicles and laying off staff.



Papers (Mainly CoRL, but also others)


Got a minute? Why not help out some other robot developers?


Oh yeah, its the contractors watching the cars that are the problem; not the well documented cultural problems in the engineering team itself building the cars that can’t detect children :roll_eyes:

One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is that engineering problems can have downstream consequences on other employees. There’s a reason why many of us abide by, “under promise and over deliver.” This is especially hard when you are doing something that’s never been done before.

BT-Studio 2.0 now Available


Fixed that for you. :face_with_spiral_eyes: :grin:

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