ROS Noetic Ninjemys Release

ROS Noetic Ninjemys Released

Happy World Turtle Day! :turtle:

Open Robotics is pleased to announce that the 13th ROS 1 distribution, Noetic Ninjemys, is now available!

Noetic means of, relating to, or based on the intellect. Thinking of which, wouldn’t it be a great idea to pick up a Noetic Ninjemys T-shirt?

How do I get ROS Noetic?

Follow the instructions for your platform on the install page on the ROS wiki.

What’s new in Noetic?

For starters, Noetic is the only ROS 1 release to officially support Python 3!
See the Noetic Migration Guide for breaking changes, and the changelogs on individual packages to see what new features they have.

What’s in Noetic?

369 packages are included in this initial release of Noetic, compared to 2709 currently in ROS Kinetic and 1939 currently in ROS Melodic.
navigation and ros_control have been released to Noetic, while MoveIt has not.

See the Noetic page on or the buildfarm Noetic status page to check if the packages you use are available.

Also, 32-bit ARM (armhf) packages are available on Ubuntu Focal, and 64-bit ARM (aarch64) packages are available for Ubuntu Focal and Debian Buster up to ros-noetic-desktop.

What if the packages I need aren’t available?

This is just the initial release!
Packages can be added to ROS Noetic until it reaches End-of-Life.
It’s a Long Term Support (LTS) release, meaning it will be supported until May 2025.

If a package is missing that you would like to see released, first check if it can be released, then contact the maintainers by opening an issue on the source repository. If that doesn’t work post in the ROS Discourse Noetic Release category.

Final notes

Thank you to all of the maintainers and contributors who helped make this release possible.
We couldn’t do this without you.

Your friendly ROS Team


ROS Noetic docker images are now available on Dockerhub ! :whale2:

Simply run this command to download and start a session in a Noetic container:

docker run -it ros:noetic

ROS Noetic images are available for the following platforms/architectures:

  • Ubuntu Focal:
    • amd64
    • arm32v7 (armhf)
    • arm64v8 (aarch64)
  • Debian Buster:
    • amd64
    • arm64v8 (aarch64)

The desktop and desktop_full images are available on the osrf/ros docker hub profile

To try them out:

docker run -it osrf/ros:noetic-desktop-full

Changes from past releases:

  • The implicit latest tag is still pointing to melodic and will soon be bumped to the ROS2 release Foxy
  • Building tools (rosdep, compilers, git, rosinstall etc) are now in ros:noetic-ros-base and not part of the ros-core image anymore
  • Reduced image size:
    • All apt calls are now using --no-install-recommends to install only required dependencies
    • The ros-core image is now free of libboost-all-dev :bomb: , we’re continuing effort to remove unused dependencies and encourage anyone coming across packages depending on boost to help narrow down the dependency list.
    • These improvements resulted in a 28% image size reduction between melodic and noetic ros-core images. Big thanks to @mikaelarguedas !

Happy containing!


Does this warrant its own post?

we historically just piggybacked on the release announcement but it’s true that this specific release saw more change than the usual “Docker images are out as usual”.

I am planning on posting a follow-up on [RFC] Restricting the size of ROS docker images that outlined the envisioned changes for the ROS/Gazebo images. If you believe it’s better as a new topic I can do that instead and link to the previous thread.

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I would say yes…? I read it yesterday and had medium hard time finding this specific docker release post like 12h later…

Awesome information, but really hard to find. Did not utilze the search bar as I knew it must be posted during the last few hours…

Please do post the update about the Docker images in a separate post.

The changes to ros-core seem to have large repercussions, as several CI setups have depended on those images containing the build tools (perhaps this was not a ‘wise’ thing to do, but it is as-it-is right now).

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The changes to ros-core seem to have large repercussions, as several CI setups have depended on those images containing the build tools (perhaps this was not a ‘wise’ thing to do, but it is as-it-is right now).

Totally agree. It’s also worth pointing out that the build tools and rosdep cache were removed from the kinetic and melodic images as well, so CI builds start failing there. This is what I had to do in my Dockerfiles:

 FROM ros:kinetic-ros-core
+RUN apt-get update \
+    && apt-get install -y build-essential python-rosdep cmake \
+    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/{apt,dpkg,cache,log} /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
+RUN rosdep init && rosdep update

COPY . /ws/src/packagename
RUN rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic -y
RUN /bin/bash -c "source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash && catkin_make install"

(The diff above could probably be reduced a bit; I’m not 100% sure if I need build-essential and cmake explicitly or if rosdep would pull them in anyway.)

I’m still in favor of these changes though, it’s just that people should be notified.

@Martin_Guenther , any insight as why ros-core tag was chosen for the build stage vs only using it for your runtime stage? We are currently pushing rosdep to support multistage builds easier by enabling rosdep to export a list of runtime dependencies to install for smaller deployment images. E.g.

ARG ROS_TAG=noetic
ARG OVERLAY_WS=/opt/overlay_ws

FROM ros:$ROS_TAG as builder

COPY ./package.xml ./src/packagename
RUN . /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/ && \
    apt-get update && rosdep install -q -y \
      --from-paths src \
      --ignore-src \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN . /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/ && \
    rosdep install --simulate \
      --from-paths src \
      --ignore-src \
      --reinstall \
      --dependency-types exec_depend >
# Listing of all exec dependencies not implemented yet

COPY ./ ./src/packagename
RUN . /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/ && \
   catkin_make install

FROM ros:$ROS_TAG-ros-core as runner

COPY --from=builder $OVERLAY_WS/ ./
RUN apt-get update && ./ \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

COPY --from=builder $OVERLAY_WS/install ./install
RUN sed --in-place \
      's|^source .*|source "$OVERLAY_WS/install/setup.bash"|' \

Would it be possible in future releases to have a docker image available that’s like noetic-freeze or <distro>-freeze prior to initial release but after the freeze? It would be really helpful for the awkward period of time between new distros when we need to bootstrap CI for a new master or devel branch. Then once official images are out, we can move to those.

For some repos, we either just failed to have CI during that period, built from nightly images that could very well include commits “past” the new release, or have to have a hacky work-around manual image. I think for this round of noetic / foxy releases, I had repos in all 3 states.

Would it be possible in future releases to have a docker image available that’s like noetic-freeze

I think that type of temporary tag would have to be self hosted somewhere, as they wouldn’t be something we could push upstream into the official library.

For some repos, we either just failed to have CI during that period

This should get easier with the upcoming of the rolling release distro, as a nice middle ground between the volatility of nightly and the lag of the latest stable release. We are hoping to host the rolling release as a docker library tag as well.

One issue we faced for providing earlier images was the absence of released packages / synced packages.

For previous ROS releases there was an “alpha” and a “beta” period during which all of packages up to desktop(_full) were released and synced to main periodically.
This allows us to build and host or even submit to the official library some “early images”.

For this set of ROS distros it was not possible because for various reasons the beta phase has been shortened to non-existent (Noetic packages didnt hit the main repo until release day, and for Foxy packages images are based on like ros_core are still unreleased to this date).

In the future with the new release schedule, the absence of new ROS1 releases and the rolling release for ROS 2; early availability of the packages should be more likely.
At that point once the API freeze is done we could roll out images with the debs built after the freeze.

We also discussed a couple days ago providing a dedicated ros:rolling-* set of tags that will track the rolling release.
We’ll need to sort out a couple issues to make sure these images stay up-to-date but it should be possible.

An alternative is to use the CI provided by the ROS buildfarm. It has access to the all released packages and is always up-to-date. This is a good way to get PR / source testing for the main targeted platform for these early phases (and in general).

Wow, that is really cool, and I’ll keep this in mind. You’re 3 steps ahead of me though. I only use the Dockerfile I posted in the CI for rospy_message_converter and others, and its only purpose is to check that all dependencies are properly listed in the package.xml, build the package, and run the tests. I don’t really care about the runner image size. That’s why I prefer to use ros-core for the build stage (such that only minimal dependencies are already installed, and to force my package to install its own build dependencies).

Is there a way to check the status of Python3 support of released Noetic packages ?

I tried to use dynamic_reconfigure scripts today and it failed because of some Python 2 shebang lines. While my issue is dynamic_reconfigure specific, this general shebang problem seems to be happening on other packages as well (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) so I was wondering if there was a more general way to show or check that released packages have been ported to Python3 (using some metrics for the common porting issues that could be “all installed programs can be rosrun'd” “the code can be parsed by a Python3 interpreter” or similar).

We are discussing the idea of adding something like osrf/ros:<distro>-devel, that would sort of mimic what we’ve been doing with osrf/ros2:devel, but be distro specific, where the common build tools, repos and dev environment are preconfigured, but with no ros distro packages installed:

Martin_Guenther have you tried or familiar with programming a script in ROS for a RoboteQ controller (MDC2460)?

No, what makes you think I would? :slight_smile: :smile:

Just asking a question

Sure, I didn’t mean to be rude. It was just such a specific question that made me wonder why you were addressing me specifically.

Didn’t take it that way - Figured you were a lot more onboard the ROS than I and some people have dealt with this type of controller. I was just curious if you every used one of these controllers in ROS verses the programing that comes with the unit.