I’ve written a pure python module to import rosbags. Standalone - no ROS installation required. Enjoy:)
Sweet! How do you keep track of transformations? Shoutout to tf_bag.
This is great.
I’m curious how this compares to rospypi/simple. Even without the native parts compiled (I believe you miss out on LZ4 compression), that set of packages has worked quite well.
Advantage: it’s using the exact same code as upstream, and it’s also Python only.
Hi - thanks for letting me know about that. This project has much more limited scope - just taking bags and unlocking the data for analysis or further use, without necessarily adopting any of the ros ecosystem. Indeed I haven’t implemented LZ4 compression, and the majority of message types don’t have converters yet - just the ones that we’re currently interested in.
Thanks There are import functions for a couple of different transformation types, Transform, TramsformStamped, tfMessage. I could easily be missing something about how these are supposed to work since for the moment we’re not working with complex, multi-segment scenarios. Any advice is this respect greatly appreciated.