Hello everyone,
I would like to share rosbag-tools, a Python package I’ve been working on during the last months. This package works on bag files for both ROS 1 and ROS 2, by providing a CLI with different tools to remove topics from rosbags, extract a section from it, compare rosbag topics and to compute the total recording time in a dataset. It relies strongly on the rosbags
package for working with rosbags, so hats off to the team at Ternaris for developing and maintaining it.
was very useful lately in my lab to rapidly fetch information from our datasets, when in a paper rush. Here is an example of using rosbag-tools topic-compare
on the Montmorency Forest Wintertime Dataset.
I’m planning to continue adding more tools and improving the structure of the package in the months to come. I would be more than happy to add tools to the package that helps the ROS community when working with rosbag and ros2bag files. Pull requests and issues are welcome, so feel free to contribute !