ROS1 Bag file to ROS2 Bag file converter


I’ve made an offline rosbag to rosbag2 converter that supports all default messages in ROS1 and ROS2. And for custom messages, you can use ros1_bridge’s instructions to create the mappings.

You can follow instructions at GitHub - leo-drive/ros1_bridge: ROS 2 package that provides bidirectional communication between ROS 1 and ROS 2 for the conversion.

But for summary there are 2 workspaces.

  • WS1 converts rosbag file to .proto_rosbag2 format.

  • WS2 converts .proto_rosbag2 file to rosbag2 format.

I hope this helps you.

If you have any troubles running it don’t hesitate to open up issues.


If you’re interested, we maintain rosbag2 in the Tooling Working Group, and this feature seems quite valuable to design this into “official” channels and iron out the technical difficulties that you’ve had (such as requiring separate workspaces). If you want to join a meeting and start discussing next steps on that, we would welcome you - though maybe we’d want to wait to get started until after the Galactic release.

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Just a quick follow-up. We just announced Rosbags - the pure python library for everything rosbag which also contains a rosbag1 to rosbag2 converter.


Just following up to see if there has been any progress on this matter?

Looks like the matter is resolved. There are solutions out there that convert ROS1 bags to ROS2 bags. Like the one comment posted right before yours.

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