RobotCAD 4.0.0 - released! Let you make controllable robots from GUI

Ros2_controllers are intergrated to RobotCAD 4.0.0 and let you make controllable diff drive car, manipulator, etc just from RobotCAD GUI without programming.

Also sometime before was integrated PX4 autopilot. It makes synergy of making airal - land riding robots with manipulator in 1 hour. See functionality demonstration.

RobotCAD 4.0.0 functionality demo
RobotCAD 4.0.0 functionality demo

Moreover you can extend RobotCAD controllers by adding your generic controller to ros2_controllers repository by pull request (or locally at your computer). And after that you will be able to construct your specific controllable tool via RobotCAD GUI and automatically generate code of ROS2 package and docker for it.

RobotCAD repository