Hi Everyone,
This is my latest All in one autonomous UGV framework “Roboware”, inspired by Autoware I was always wondering why there isn’t any framework that processes LiDAR point cloud on Raspberry pi board that can be used in UGV industries, such as autonomous farming, and mining industry, do we always need an Nvidia board?. The result was Roboware
Roboware capabilities:
- Modular software components can work with different sensors(benwake/velodyne)
- 3D semantic segmentation object detection.
- Freespace estimation.
- Integration of Roboware with ROS packages such as gmapping, move base, and amcl.
Current features under development:
- Free space fusion for cocoon Setup.
Future features:
- 3D mapping/point cloud assembly.
- Object tracking.
- new approaches for 2D mapping and matching.
- DNN detection and semantic segmentation.
- Camera-LiDAR fusion.
- Roboware Farm simulation demo Velodyne (https://lnkd.in/eG_CBU3)
- Roboware Farm simulation demo Benwake cocoon (https://lnkd.in/e9Qc4HK)
- Roboware Cave simulation demo Benwake cocoon(https://lnkd.in/eWSCGSj)
- Roboware Cave simulation demo velodyne (https://lnkd.in/eAUWMAK)
- Velodyne raspberry pi demo (https://lnkd.in/eKuaxRw)
- Benwake raspberry pi demo (https://lnkd.in/e9SJBq6)
I am calling for business opportunities, in different industries, either agriculture, mining, or warehouses.
Khalid elmadawi