ROS Jazzy docker images

The ROS Jazzy docker images are now available on Dockerhub ! :whale2:

Simply run this command to download and start a session in a Jazzy container:

docker run -it --rm ros:jazzy

Jazzy being the latest LTS, the latest tag now points to Jazzy images.
This means that the following command will now land you in a jazzy-ros-base container

docker run -it --rm ros

The available tags are

ROS Jazzy images are available for the following platforms/architectures:

Ubuntu Noble:
  arm64v8 (aarch64)

GUI images like “desktop_full”

The simulation, desktop and desktop-full images are available on the ‘osrf/ros’ docker hub profile

Meaning you can pull them like this:

docker pull osrf/ros:jazzy-desktop-full

The available tags are

As always:

Happy containing ! :whale: :turtle:


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