Announcing ROS Foxy docker images availability

ROS Foxy docker images are now available on Dockerhub! :whale2:

We are taking advantage of this LTS release to switch the ros ‘latest’ tag to ROS 2 !
This means that when running docker pull ros it is now the ros:foxy-ros-base-focal image that is downloaded.

Simply run this command to download and start a session in a Foxy container:

docker run -it ros:foxy

ROS Foxy images are available for the following platforms/architectures:

Ubuntu Focal:
  arm64v8 (aarch64)

The desktop and ros1_bridge images are available on the ‘osrf/ros’ docker hub profile

To try them out:

docker run -it osrf/ros:foxy-ros1-bridge

The documentation and examples are now all targeting ROS 2.
They’ve been improved and expanded to show more use cases such as:

  • Write dockerfiles for building ROS 2 packages with multiple layers
  • How to run an application bridging ROS 1 and ROS 2 via docker compose
    Hat tip to @ruffsl for these improvements!

The ros-core images do not contain any development tools or compilers anymore, more details in this post.

As always:

Happy containing!



i was trying to use osrf/ros:foxy-ros1-bridge image, but it does not seem to exist.

# docker run -it osrf/ros:foxy-ros1-bridge
Unable to find image 'osrf/ros:foxy-ros1-bridge' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for osrf/ros:foxy-ros1-bridge not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.
See 'docker run --help'.

@tomoyafujita Looks like their was a misconfiguration. It should be fixed now.
Thanks for pointing it out

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thanks for the quick catch, confirmed that image is available.