ROS News for the Week of May 20th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of May 20th, 2024

ROS Jazzy Jalisco is finally here! Read all about it at The Robot Report and the Intrinisc blog or take it for a spin with Jazzy DockerHub images or ROS Docker OCI images including Jazzy. We recommend checking out the improved Gazebo integration or if you are adventurous type, learning about the early preview of RMW Zenoh with @Yadunund.

It is ROSCon CFP season and lots is happening! @fmrico announced ROSCon Spain
this week and @destogl announced ROSCon Germany this week. ROSCon France is just a month away, and we announced our first batch of sponsors for the big ROSCon this October in Odense

:rotating_light: Most importantly talk proposals for ROSCon 2024 and ROSConJP are due on 2024-06-03T07:00:00Z :rotating_light:

Not long ago @smac hung his own shingle for the Nav2 project. In the past few month Steve and the team have made great strides in supporting the project. Nav2 has secured a number of sponsors and this week the project was accepted into Github’s accelerator program.. See Github’s Announcement




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