ROS News for the Week Of 5/31/2021
OpenRobotics Turns 9!

First Vrooom Vrooom For Indy Autonomous Challenge
Did you see a cool ICRA 2021 Paper that uses ROS? Drop it down below.
- 6/4/2021 Robotics Debates from ICRA
- 6/11/2021 β Oxford Lecture on Robot Perception
- 6/17/2021 β Watch Indy Autonomous Challenge Simulation Event
- 6/19/2021 Construct ROS Developers Day
- 6/22/2021 ROSCon Fr
- 6/30/2021 Ignition Community Meeting
- 7/9/2021 ROSCon CFP Closes
- 7/9/2021 ROSCon Diversity Scholarshop Application Deadline
- 9/14/2021 PX4 Dev Summit
- 9/16/2021 ROSConJp
- 10/16/2021 Self Racing Cars Bay Area
- 10/21/2021 ROSCon is Back!
- Real-Time Robotics Raises $31M
- ICRA Benchmark for Robots in Human Crowds
- Robots Manipulating Transparent Objects
- 3D Printed Omni Wheel
- Open Robotics Turns 9
- Hello Vroooooom
- System-Directed Picking Robots Versus Swarming Robots
- OpenCV AI YouTube Channel
- Robot Navigation in Constrained Pedestrian Environments using Reinforcement Learning
- The Rise of Open-Source Drones
- DHL Scaling Deployments of Locus Roboticsβ AMRs
- Creating a Legal Framework for Autonomous Driving in Germany
- Adrien Gaidon: Self-supervised 3D Vision
- Human-Piloted Drone Racing: Visual Processing and Contro
ROS Related
- Our New Favorite Beer
- MOCAP 4 ROS in Foxy
- Update for ROS 2 Foxy
- PickNik Developer Notes β Github Pre-commit Actions
- Mining the ROS ecosystem for energy-efficient robotics software
- Really Useful Robot Gets Computer Vision
- micro-ROS Galactic Released
- VSCode ROS2 Workspace Template
- Gripper Control by Hand Gesture Estimation
- Universal Robots Driver Announced at ROS-Industrial 2021
- Digging a hole with a 20-ton digger with ROS and Augmented Reality
- How to Control a Spherical Join with ROS
- ROS Telescope
- ROS GPG Key Expiration Incident
- ROS / GNSS Webinar
- Galactic Bike Jersey