ROS News for the Week of 7/12/2021
Introducing ROSboard: Web-based visualizations for ROS1 and ROS2
Robotics Science and Systems Conference was held this week. I saw a ton of great talks and papers and I only scratched the surface for this weeks update. If you saw some interesting work please post it in the comments.
- 7/21/2021 ROS Seattle Meetup
- 7/25/2021 Black in Robotics Build a ROS 2 Robot
- 7/28/2021 Ignition Community Meeting – Topic Ignition vs. Gazebo
- 8/18/2021 ROS Industrial AP Workshop
- 9/21/2021 DARPA SubT Final
- 9/14/2021 PX4 Dev Summit
- 9/16/2021 ROSConJp
- 10/16/2021 Self Racing Cars Bay Area
- 10/21/2021 ROSCon is Back!
- Computer Vision from the 90s
- “The Future of Robot Perception: Recent Progress and Opportunities Beyond SLAM”
- Square Track Robot
- The Demise Of Robotics Companies: Learning From Past Mistakes
- WSJ on Fetch Acquisition
- Ars Technica: No Driver? No Problem!
- Open Dataset: Urban and Forest Areas from a Mapping Backpack
- RSS: Visual Navigation for Agriculture Robots
- RSS: Rapid Motor Adaptation for Legged Robots
- AstroBee gets Fingers
- micro-ROS runs on CAPRA Robotics
- DARPA Announces Teams Qualifying for Subterranean Challenge Virtual Competition Finals
- Great CVPR 2021 Summary
- Tesla “Full Self Driving” Version 9
- Abundant Robotics: Not so Abundant Funding
- Robot Pizzaria in Paris
- Self-Driving Vehicle Company Aurora (formerly Uber) Gets SPAC’d
ROS Related
- CyPhySS 2021 talk on CHAMP
- ROSCon JP Call for Proposals
- Simple ROS 2 Examples by Francisco
- Circuit Cellar: Intro to ROS
- ROS for Parrot Drones
- ROS Package for Visual Odometry for Event Cameras
- Web-Based ROS User Interface
- Dynamic Logistics Warehouse Gazebo World
- New ROS 2 Book (Japanese)
- SOBY ROS Robot
- ROS RedBoard Driver
- ROS 2 YAML Parameters
- Diff Drive Bot using Nav2, ROS 2 and Ignition Gazebo
- Introducing ROSboard: Web-based visualizations for ROS1 and ROS2
- MyCobot Tutorial
- ROS 2 Rolling Ridley – 63 New and 56 Updated Packages
- Best Practices for Naming Robot Arm Joints
- ROS Developer Day 2021 Videos
- Assisted Teleop: Call for Opinions
- Annotate Camera Images in Foxglove Studio
- Foxglove ROS 2 Bag Playback Tool
- WebTools WG Meeting
- Conway’s Game of Life in RVIZ
- How to Keep Track of Third Party ROS Packages?
Best ROS 2 Launch File Documentation?
- If you have real world experience with ROS 2 launch files please contact @Katherine_Scott. We need help to improve the launch file documentation.
- Guide for Multi Robot Simulations in Gazebo?