ROS News for the Week of 5/14/2021

The ROS 2 Galactic Geochelone artwork has been released along with the T-Shirt. The release is slated for Sunday 5/23
I took the liberty of adding
, and
RoboGym 1.0 Release – Gazebo, ROS, and OpenAI Gym for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- 5/22/2021 DIY Robocars and BBQ Return to Circuit Launch
- 5/31/2021 ICRA Workshop on Autonomous Racing
- 6/3/2021 GNSS + ROS Webinar
- 6/11/2021 Oxford Lecture on Robot Perception
- 6/19/2021 Construct ROS Developers Day
- 6/22/2021 ROSCon Fr
- 7/9/2021 ROSCon CFP Closes
- 7/9/2021 ROSCon Diversity Scholarshop Application Deadline
- 9/14/2021 PX4 Dev Summit
- 9/16/2021 ROSConJp
- 10/16/2021 Self Racing Cars Bay Area
- 10/21/2021 ROSCon is Back!
- ROS-I Talk – Mixed Reality Path Planning
- 3rd International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering
- FZI Safety Validation Video
- PX4+ROS 2+ RPi4 Drone Demo
- Helping robots learn what they can and can’t do in new situations
- Doosan Robotics Cobots Now Support ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy
- ROS-I Video on Robotic Welding
- NASA VIPER Demo Video
- Every ICRA SLAM Paper in a List
- OpenMV 4.0 Release
- Ken Goldberg on State of the Art in Robotics, Manufacturing, and Logistics
- Chef Robotics Raises $7.7M
- Hackaday Prize Announcement
- Bright Machines gets SPAC’d
- ROS-I Meeting Debrief
- Anatomy of a Robotic System
- Building MoveIt2 on Rolling
- Demystifing the Buildfarm
- Robo-Gym v. 1.0.0 (Gazebo+Noetic+OpenAI)
- GSoD – Request for Tutorial Feedback
- New Sensor Filter Package
- Integration Service v. 3.0.0
- Two New and Fifty Two Updated Melodic Packages
- Final ROS 2 Dashing Sync is soon!
- ROS 2 Galactic Geochelone Graphics and T-Shirt (release is Sunday!)
- MOCAP 4 ROS2 Updates
- Modernized Robot Web Tools
- Robot Web Tools Working Group?
- Hot New Plugins for Nav2
- Shared Memory in micro-ROS
- JS Xacro Parser
- MoveIt RoadMap 2021