ROS News for the Week of August 19th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of August 19th, 2024

ROSCon India 2024 was announced this week. The save the date announcement can be found here. More details and a proper website should be available shortly.

There are lots of things in the ROS ecosystem that could be better, and package creation is certainly one of them. We really appreciate that @jak has taken the time to build and maintain a ROS package called Turtle Nest that simplifies that package creation process. All ROS users are more than welcome to help improve the tools they use every day!


We have four different ROS events next week! We would love to see you there!

Want to put together your own local ROS event? @gbiggs gave some great advice on how to put together a ROS meetup here.

:clap: ROSCon :clap: 2024 :clap: early :clap: registration :clap: ends :clap: on :clap: 2024-09-03T07:00:00Z :clap:
Early registration prices are $100 off, making it free to attend one of our seven fantastic workshops. We also have a handful of sponsor booths remaining. Given our current trajectory ROSCon 2024 might sell out, so I recommend you register as soon as possible.




Got some spare time? :mantelpiece_clock:

We need ROS users to help make the ROS ecosystem better! Why not scratch your own itch by fixing an issue in the ROS 2 CLI? Most CLI issues are fairly easy to fix and your change will get used by the entire ROS community!