ROS Noetic and Foxy Tshirts Available!

I always need more (road) cycling jerseys!

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+1 road cycling jerseys

+1 for road cycling jersey!

Yes, I need something fancy to be run over in!

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+1 cycling jersey yeah!

Will it be available in India?

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Re: ROS bike jersey - @Manjunath_Mahashetti if you are willing to pay for shipping, I can’t see why not.

I count at least 5 interests. My friend who’s a high school road/XC mtn bike coach suggested Castelli and Pactimo for high quality custom jerseys. I sent them a request for a quote for 10 custom short sleeve full-zip jerseys.

If anyone else is interested, or has other vendors for me to ping for a quote, let me know. Otherwise stay tuned.

Awesome shirts @tfoote I just ordered a few, will be wearing them during the PX4 Developer Summit in a few weeks. The art is just on-point as always :+1:


@tfoote the Toddler shirt is available for Noetic but not for Foxy, is it possible to get a Foxy option added? Otherwise I’ll do what @Aaron_Blasdel suggested and get a cape :wink:

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Hmm, not sure why that wasn’t there. I’ve added it here.

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I’m bumping this to remind everyone Monday is the last day of the t-shirt sale.

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On jackets / vests / etc:

It looks like the majority of people would be more interested in a jacket solution than a vest. I’ll move forward in that direction.

The Eddie Bauer jacket I was hoping to use as a base for cost and quality reasons looks like its on its way out the door. Its on clearance and the most neutral color scheme has too many sizes out of stock to make it a practical option. I looked over LL Bean, Patagonia, North Face, and a few others I don’t remember right now.

I also spent a pretty good amount of time to ensure that I only suggest options below that have an equivalent women’s cut that also looks good (you make that mistake exactly once before you learn better).

Please vote for any/all that you would be willing to purchase. The one with the most votes will be the victor and I will work through specific pricing and produce an order form.

  • Patagonia 1/4 Zip Better Sweater - Stonewash (~$120 all inclusive)
  • Eddie Bauer Full Zip - Dark Blue (~$105 all inclusive)
  • Ashton Sweater-Knit Fleece - Slate Blue (~$85 all inclusive)

0 voters

Patagonia link:
Eddie Bauer Link:
Ashton Link:

CC @Katherine_Scott @christophebedard @joespeed

Feel free to ask me any questions. The price estimates are that; estimates, but I’m also known to always over estimate. I’d rather over guess than under guess. It’s also dependent on the number of orders we get. If we break ~15 orders, we can expect a ~15% discount for any of those options. There’s an embroider shop I’ll use near me that has very good pricing for smaller orders. If we have a larger one, the manufacturer pricing will probably be better. If we break 2 dozen orders, it drops more after that point as well. I’m hoping we get > 24 so we can realize some actual discounts. I’m also considering ordering a few extra to be made available at ROS events.


Today’s the last day for Noetic and Foxy Tshirts. For those of you procrastinating there’s just under 5 hours left to order, don’t miss your opportunity for either or both!


@tfoote do you have stats on how many shirts were ordered?

This campaign was our biggest yet with well over 800 shirts purchased and a little over half were Foxy.

Thank you to everyone who purchased a shirt we look forward to seeing you wearing them in the future.


Unless there’s a massive change in heart in the next couple of days, it sounds like Eddie Bauer wins. I hope anyone that voted for other options would still consider it!

I’ll touch base next week in a new post with more information. I need to call a bunch of distributors and figure out what makes most sense.


To close the loop here’s the order form and post on jackets : ROS Swag - Jackets Edition (Deadline June 27)

@jackp510 @JWhitleyWork @Katherine_Scott @christophebedard