Just a WiP announcement of a project, allowing to control a ROS robotic car from an Android app. The car is powered by a Raspberry Pi, running raspbian + ROS. A RasPiRobot board is used to control the motors, an HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor is used to measure distance and an SG90 step motor to rotate the sonar. I used an existing HC SR04 ROS node project as a basis but converted it to use interrupts from the sonar. A simple SG90 driver has been written from scratch. PWM handling to run the car wheels is new too. The communication with the Android app runs over SSL. It’s still quite raw (especially the Android app, since it’s my first experience of writing one from scratch), but all the functionality is there and working. Both github repositories are referenced from https://www.hackster.io/guennadi-liakhovetski/robot-sense-99a8ae
I’ve updated the application: the new version has the HC-SR04 sonar mounted directly on the chassis, and it adds a camera on a tilt mount. I’ve switched from a custom networking connection, served by an Android app to a RobotWebTools control. The video stream is handled outside of ROS by a gstreaner WebRTC plugin. Effectively the ROS application GitHub - lyakh/RobotSense-ROS: RobotSense ROS package has just become much smaller, since it isn’t handling the network connection any more, but the robot is now a real telepresence system.