ROS Swag - Jackets Edition (Deadline June 27)

That’s awesome, congrats for the success of this campaign!

Sounds like an ultimate number to me


Order forms have now closed, thank you for everyone that put in an order. If you would still like to order one, please reach out to me in the next 12 hours or forever lack #ros #swag.

I’ll be in touch on this thread and over email as I have new information. I will place the order on Monday so I should have some info on processing time and shipping in the coming week.

Because I am having nightmares for not ordering that awesome jacket:

  1. Are there any plans to add ROS jackets to next teespring campaigns?
  2. Are there any plans for a second wave of the same format? (Personal smac postage instead of using a company)

Whatever the answer to those questions, I appreciate the volunteering work you have taken on your shoulders, Steve.

P.S. I think the beginning of the month instead of the end of it would be better wage-wise :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t speak for Open Robotics and what they might plan to do in their own future campaigns based on this experiment.

I have no plans for a second wave in the immediate foreseeable future.

Update: The jackets have been ordered an confirmed.

I expect to get the jackets in the next 2 weeks, except Men’s Small size, which is currently on backorder. We should have the Men’s Small in October (I know, long time out, sincere apologies on that, the distributor was not up front with me about that. They said they were 2 weeks backordered, not 3 months). If it helps, October is the perfect time to get a new fleece and mine is also a small.

Happy fleecing,

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That’s OK, it’s not like I can wear it before October anyway.

I guess I will have to live with those nightmares then! Thanks, Steve!

Quick update: I got a shipping notification and I should be getting them in my hands in about a week. It will probably take me a few weeks on top of that to get them ready for shipment with envelopes / paperwork and such (waiting to order all envelopes until I have one in hand to ensure they fit). My goal will be to get them all out before the end of July and I’ll probably do them in batches of 5-10 (45 total orders). I’ll send out an email when your order has shipped.

Quick reminder on Smalls:

Picked up some hot new street wear on Mission street last night. :sunglasses:

Thanks @smac!


Jackets are in earlier this week! I also just got all the mailers I need to fill orders. I will start shipping out next week. I will send emails when I send out your orders.

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At this point everyone that’s ordered one (except for Men’s Small) should have received an email from me with a shipping notice that your jacket is on its way or soon to be.

I’m super happy to have my dining room table back (built during COVID). Only just the last 12 packages going out today and Monday. You should have seen the sea of blue all over my table, benches, desk, and counter tops merely 2 weeks ago.

Thanks for ordering one, everyone that did! In the future if I do things like this, I’ll have to make them “limited edition” to 20 :wink:. I’ll report back once these all ship out on how much we raised for the Nav2 branding cause (estimating shipping for remaining 4 Mens Small orders to be shipped once I get them). I expect it to be about ~$300. I can give a more detailed breakdown of costs and expenses if desirable. I’m doing a quick analysis to refine my shipping / buffer pricing estimates.

I’ll note that I ordered 1 extra Mens Medium jacket that is available for purchase. PM me if that interests you.


Got mine this morning. Thanks, @smac!

If memory serves, I shipped that… less than 24 hours ago. Impressive USPS.

Better post pictures of it!


Awesome! Perfect timing too. I had worried how to stay warm with today dropping to 42°C


The basic numbers are in:

Revenue from orders: $3331.56 (some people didn’t use friends and family, rather than asking them to send an additional few dollars I just shrugged it off this time)
Garment fees: $2223.18 (to distributor for jackets, tax, shipping)
Estimate of shipping orders: $736.55 (estimated from remaining mens smalls orders that haven’t been received yet to ship out)

Ins minus outs: $371.83 raised to fund a Navigation2 logo. That’s more or less the right ballpark to do a 99Designs logo contest! Now I just need artistically minded people to help me describe what we might want and help me refine with artists! Also means my 15% estimated margin was about 11%. I’m glad I over-estimated shipping a little.


I received an update from the manufacturer on the mens smalls, due to COVID, its been delayed once more to mid-December. I sincerely apologize for this delay (I’m also a small), if I had known they were going to be this delayed, I would have selected another distributor.

Thanks for your patience. They’ll come before the sun engulfs the planet in a few hundred million years, I promise :slight_smile:

You have a package coming.
Scheduled Delivery Date: Saturday, 01/23/2021

My god, the smalls, the smalls might actually be here soon! Thank you for baring with me. If it gives you any comfort, I also haven’t had my small either so I’m excited for this weekend!