ROS2 Foxy compatible leg detector

We at mowito have released a ROS2 Foxy port of Leg Detector for obstacle detection and human detection.

Here’s a screenshot of its working on a 0.33 resolution scanner.

The original repository worked only on ROS1 Melodic and wasn’t updated for a long time. We have ported the entire code to work on ROS2 Foxy, and have tested it on the example bags. It takes a 2D LiDAR scan and outputs an array of tracked legs in the vicinity of the robot.

If you want to try it out and give us feedback, follow the instructions here.


okay, I am assuming, the red dots are the legs, but what are the green rings around them?

The green circles depict the gates that are used for the matching of clusters to the existing tracks. A larger ring size indicates a larger Mahalanobis distance used for data association.

A correction here, the green rings, as you asked @pururastogi, depict the inflation radius incorporated around the tracked human.

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