ROS2 Tricycle Controller

I’m happy to announce that ros2_controllers has a new family member: the Tricycle Controller.
It is a controller aimed for robots with a tricycle base configuration (two wheels in the back and 1 in the front). The traction and steering is done by the front wheel.

Main Features:

  • Convert Twist to AckermannDrive
  • Publish odometry
  • Supports rate limiting (speed, acceleration, etc…) for traction and steering

A demo is on the verge of being merged.

Looking forward for community feedback!

Thank you to Pixel Robotics for sponsoring this work.


Great that your controller got finally merged.
I think it makes a good addition to the existing ros2_controllers.
Thank you for all your work and time :smiley: :+1:

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Soon available with ros2_controllers 2.11.0 in Humble and Rolling!


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