ROSCon 2019 Workshops

We are pleased to announce our slate of four workshops. They will run concurrently on October 30th (the day before the main programming begins) and are available as addons to your conference registration.

Is your robot secure? ROS 1 & ROS 2 Security Workshop

Organizers: Thomas Moulard (AWS Robotics), Odei Olalde (Alias Robotics), Gorka Olalde (Alias Robotics)

With the advent of IoT, more and more robots and devices are accessible from the internet. Those rarely updated, vulnerable systems, can become an easy target for hackers. In this workshop, you will learn how to detect and mitigate security issues in your ROS 1 or ROS 2 applications using tools and framework developed by the Alias Robotics and AWS RoboMaker teams.

How to use OpenAI baselines to train ROS robots

Organizer: Ricardo Tellez (The Construct)

Learn how to use reinforcement learning (RL) to train your ROS robot for tasks using the OpenAI baselines. You will learn how to build a Gazebo simulation for training, how to specify a task as an RL problem, how to connect training to the simulation, and how to use the OpenAI baselines to actually train. This is a hands on workshop. Bring your laptop. No need to install anything.

Doing real-time with ROS 2: Capabilities and challenges

Organizers: Dejan Pangercic (Apex.AI, Inc.), Ingo Lütkebohle (Bosch research), Víctor Mayoral Vilches (Acutronics Robotics), David Crawley (Ubiquity Robotics), Geoff Biggs (Tier IV)

Deterministic behaviour is crucial for many aspects of successful robot systems; from industrial welding robots following an exact path, to safety-critical robots doing drone package delivery, autonomous driving or warehouse conveyance. In this workshop participants will be introduced to the on-going work to use ROS 2 as a foundation for soft, firm and hard real-time robot systems. You will learn what the current capabilities are of ROS 2 for real-time robotics, what still remains to be done, and how you can contribute to the system.

The Future of the ROS Infrastructure Ecosystem

Organizer: Bill Smart (Oregon State University)

The community infrastructure on which ROS depends, like the wiki, Answers, and our community standards, are starting to show their age. This workshop is your chance to help improve this infrastructure, and help ensure that ROS continues to thrive. We’ll describe the results of our NSF-funded work to identify pain points and hear ideas that have worked in other open-source communities. We will work as a group to come up with good solutions to these problems, and begin a proposal to implement them.


In this first year of running workshops at ROSCon, 12 submissions were received, and after some tough decisions, four were selected (33% acceptance rate).

Contact the ROSCon 2019 Organizing Committee <> with any questions or concerns.

David Lu!! (Locus Robotics)
Melonee Wise (Fetch Robotics)
Program Co-Chairs