ROS-Industrial EU Fall'19 Workshop on MoveIt, security & skill oriented programming - Oct 09-10, 2019

Fall edition of ROS-Industrial EU Tech Workshop will take place at Fraunhofer IPA on October 09th and 10th, 2019.

We are glad to host two European MoveIt maintainers of ROS-Industrial Consortium member PickNik Robotics and University of Hamburg to give us an insight into the latest developements of MoveIt (incorporating motion planning, manipulation, 3D perception, kinematics, control & navigation), current and planned developements for ROS2 (MoveIt2), and a hands-on on ROS(1)-based ‘bare-metal to product’.

Next on day 2, Joanneum Research, ROS-Industrial Consortium member from Austria, will be demonstrating some insufficiencies of ROS(1) using a penetration testing tool ROSPenTo, developed by Joanneum. They would further walk the participants through setup and configuration of SROS2 , set of tools to provide security infrastructure to ROS2.

The last session of the workshop would be jointly held by INESC TEC, Aalborg University and Fraunhofer IPA. In the join presentation, we will present the robotics skill oriented programming tools developed within the EU project ScalABLE4.0 enabling flexibility in the production line.

Note: Participants will be provided with USB sticks with Ubuntu and all the necessary libraries and IDEs pre-installed.

Workshop attendance

  • workshop will start on day 1 around 11:00 on day1 to allow flying in on the same day and will include lunch and beverages.
  • We want to also organise an open presentation by participants and networking session at the end of day 1 and before an optional dinner in Stuttgart (If you want to present max 5 minutes, please email us in advance)
  • workshop will finish on day 2 around 16:00 to allow fly out on the same day and will include lunch and beverages.
  • free for members of any ROS-Industrial Consortium worldwide
  • 500€ / person for any other organization


Please use this registration link and indicate your ROS-Industrial Consortium membership under “Discount code (for RIC Members)”, if any.


Just wanted to remind our European ROS community of this ROS-Industrial EU Fall’19 Workshop on MoveIt, security & skiloriented programming in Stuttgart, Germany. The event take place parallel to MOTEK trade fair for assembly automation which is located next to the airport of Stuttgart and approx. 20 minutes away from Fraunhofer IPA.

I could also reserve some hotel rooms for 79 EUR per night. If you are interested in a hotel room or free ticket to MOTEK, please send me an email or DM.