Birds of a Feather Sessions

The sign up form for ROSCon 2023 birds of a feather (BoF) sessions is now live!
We had such a positive response to BoFs at ROSCon last year that we decided to create more dedicated spaces for BoFs in 2023. For ROSCon 2023 we will have two dedicated BoF rooms and one open shared BoF area that anyone can use for whatever they want!. That’s right, for ROSCon 2023 you and your fellow birds of a feather can book a full room for an hour to discuss whatever you want. If you are running a working group, or maintaining a large package, please feel free to use the BoF spaces to meet up with your fellow developers.
To sign up for a BoF use this form: Once your BoF is approved it should show up on the ROSCon website here. Please note that have I have to manually update the ROSCon website with BoF information so it may take 24-48 hours for your BoF to show up.
(ROSCon BoF rooms are pinned in green).
ROSCon Ticket Sales
I just want to remind everyone that late ticket sales for ROSCon 2023 start on 2023-10-01T07:00:00Z!
After October 1st ticket prices will go up dramatically! If you are planning to attend the event please save yourself a few bucks and register ASAP. Unfortunately, all of our ROSCon workshops are already sold out, and our reserved rate rooms at the event hotel no longer available (there are still plenty of reasonably priced rooms at the hotels near ROSCon, and airfare is still reasonable).
If you would like to join us in New Orleans you can click this link right here.