It’s always annoying that ComponentContainer in top command doesn’t show enough information, especially when you develop a project with lots of ComponentContainers like Autoware. rotop translates a very long ROS 2 commands and options displayed in top into a readable string.
rotop has the following features:
Replace a long displayed name for ROS 2 command and Python command, especially for component container
Normal top command : “component_container”
It doesn’t tell enough information
Normal top -c or htop : “/very/long/path/component_containervery-long-options”
This obviously happens quite a bit in an international community (ie: words/acronyms having surprising meanings in other languages), but “rot op” means “get out” (or really: “f*** off”) in my language (ie: Dutch).
I’m still trying to figure out whether that name makes sense for a top-like tool
I wrote a similar package in ROS 1 (2016), which I recently updated for ROS 2. One notable difference is that mine publishes to a message which can be dumped into bag files, and can also be visualized via script via matplotlib.
One suggestion. The CPU usage probably needs to be scaled by the number of CPU cores or whatever the ‘System Monitor’ tool does otherwise the nodes look like they are taking up a huge CPU percent when in actuality the node is taking a large percentage of one core.