Set_model_configuration service ported to ROS 2 [gazebo_ros]

This pull request aims to enhance the functionality by porting the ROS1 service set_model_configuration to ROS2 (Humble). Upon launching the, users gain the ability to specify initial joint angles, facilitating entity spawning at custom configurations.

Pull Request : gazebo_ros: Added set_model_configuration service to ROS2(Humble) by prakharg01 · Pull Request #1503 · ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs · GitHub

Changes Made:
Ported ROS1 Service to ROS2 (Humble):
The primary focus of this pull request is the migration of the ROS1 service to ROS2 (Humble), ensuring compatibility with the latest ROS ecosystem advancements.
How to Test:

  1. Set up ROS2 (Humble) dependencies in your environment.

  2. Build and compile the project with the latest changes.

  3. Launch empty. world in your ROS2 environment.

  4. Write a service call to test the functionality: (check the example)

void SetModelConfiguration::set_model_configuration()
  set_model_configuration_client_ =

  if (set_model_configuration_client_->service_is_ready())
    auto srv = std::make_shared<gazebo_msgs::srv::SetModelConfiguration::Request>();

    srv->model_name = std::string("<>");
    srv->urdf_param_name = std::string("robot_description");
    std::map<std::string, double> joint_map = {
      {"<>", 0.0}, {"<>", 1.56}, {"<>", -3.0},
      {"<>", 0.0}, {"<>", 1.56}, {"<>", -3.0},
      {"<>", 0.0}, {"<>", 1.56}, {"<>", -3.0},
      {"<>", 0.0}, {"<>", 1.56}, {"<>", -3.0},
    for (auto & it : joint_map)

    auto setmodel_future_ = set_model_configuration_client_->async_send_request(srv);
      "[SetSimulationConfiguration]: not calling service using a callback, service not ready!");

// <> : Enter the respective arguments, this example is for a 12DOF robot.

Request maintainers of gazebo_ros_pkgs to merge the pull request. @davetcoleman

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