SMACC Kicks Off Summertime Dance Party at the AWS Warehouse

SMACC2 sm_dance_bot_warehouse

And here is a link just in case the link embedded in the image above doesn’t work.

Source code for this example can be found here

I’m hoping this can become a community thing this summer. Rules go like this…
Don’t tell me, show me. Video and Source Code.



Very happy to see demos with industrial relevance!
Is there a specific reason for choosing the AWS Warehouse?
Is this the beginning of something bigger?

Speaking of bigger: would the same state machine work if we were to scale up this warehouse to be 2x? I imagine you’d need to add a few more states perhaps to handle the extra rows but anything beyond that?

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The main reason behind the selection of the simulation environment was that we felt it would be the most accessible. @smac had produced some simulations using the AWS warehouse environment last year that also contained links to source code. So I think the credit there belongs to Steve.

Video #2

SMACC2 sm_dance_bot_warehouse 2

And here is the alternate link just in case the link embedded in the image above doesn’t work.

Source code for this example can be found here


Wow. Very impressive.

I think your assessment is correct, that if the building was a little larger and more complicated, that you might need a few more states, which SMACC could easily provide.

But my guess would be that the size of the warehouse wouldn’t really be the main driver behind the number of states. My guess is that the extra states would start to be needed as the actions performed and the error recovery procedures for the robot grew more elaborate.

Let’s say for instance that in this example, we added multiple robot arms throughout the facility and the robot served in a material handling context. Depending on what was placed on the robot, you might want different recovery procedures in the case of a spill, depending on whether the load carried by the robot was powder or liquid, hazardous, flammable, etc.

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