SOSS - the core of Integration Service

Have you met SOSS already?

Born as the product of a joint effort between Open Robotics and eProsima, SOSS stands for System-Of-Systems Synthesizer and makes a great tool for communicating an arbitrary number of protocols that speak different languages.

The communication is made possible by system-specific plugins, or System-Handles. These provide the necessary conversion between the target protocols and the specific language spoken by SOSS. Once a system is communicated with SOSS, it enters the SOSS world and can straightforwardly reach out to any other system that already exists in this world.

SOSS is configured by means of a YAML text file, through which the user can provide a mapping between the topics and services on the middlewares of the systems involved.

Find out how to integrate your own protocol into the SOSS world by generating its System-Handle and filling out the opportune YAML file!

Also, find out how, with a simple recipe integrating SOSS with the SOSS-DDS System-Handle, you can have eProsima Integration-Service up and running!