Here at eProsima, we are on the verge of undertaking a new adventure, in which we’ll combine our long-term expertise, historically focused on low-to-mid level development, with the realm of graphical interfaces, in order to deliver a brand new product to the ROS community: visual-ROS.
This tool is meant to provide a user-friendly web-based graphical IDE for programming with ROS 2. The idea behind this solution is to shrink the gap between domains which know little if anything about programming and the robotics world, with the goal of opening the ROS 2 gates for an unprecedented number of beginners and newbies belonging to a bunch of different areas.
The implementation will be based on Node-RED, an open-source browser-based graphical editor allowing low-code programming of event-driven applications. To this end, Node-RED offers a simple way to link together customizable nodes to generate flows, which are deployed to the runtime and stored into exportable JSON files. A SOSS instance based on its Websocket System-Handle will be then in charge to convert these flows into an interface understandable by ROS 2, providing users with an out-of-the-box and seamless experience to generate programs with basic ROS functionalities (nodes, publishers/subscriptions, services, complex types…).
At the end of the day, users will be provided with a unique tool combining all of eProsima’s leading technologies such as Fast DDS, the Integration Service (SOSS) and our implementation of the DDS-XTypes, cooperating to smash the entry-level barriers to the ROS 2 world down to a minimum level.
We’re already hands-on: stay tuned and spread the word!