Great meeting today!
- Dave Coleman, PickNik Robotics
- Ezra Brooks, PickNik Robotics
- Brian Kempa, NASA Ames
- Evan Laske, NASA JSC
- Stephen Hart, TRACLabs
- Austin Probe, Emergent Space Technologies
- Eddie Tunstel, Motiv Space Systems
- Scott Mende, Maxar
- Payam Mehradnia, MDA
- Hiroki Kato, JAXA
- Tatsuhiko Saito, SEC
- Geoffrey Biggs, OSRF
Old business
- [Brian] Updates on Technical Working Group
- [Sean] Summary of results 2023 SMC-IT/SCC Workshop on Space Robotics Software
New business
- [Will/Sean/Ezra] Peraton/PickNik collaboration on DARPA proposal for Space ROS
- [Dave] Will be speaking about Space ROS at ROSCon Japan
- [Stephen] Working on open sourcing their cFS <> ROS bridge, waiting for approval from NASA
- Our bridge tools are Python based
- [Kato] cFS <> ROS Bridge presentation
- RACS: ROS and cFS System
- Rtino: indoor autonomous mobile robot software
- PORTRS - Payload Organization and Transportation System
- [Sean] Ascend in Las Vegas - will be talking about Space ROS there
- [Ezra] F’<->ROS bridge being discussed in Technical Working Group
- [Evan] NASA funding updates for Space ROS.
- ROS 2 on RISC-5 efforts
- [Will] How to get developers involved (e.g. at Blue, etc)?
- Getting Started page on website
- Github discussions, especially the Docker repository for CI issues
- Space ROS shared Slack channel - request from Ezra. Most important comms happen on Github.
- [Dave] Did we get the initial software requirements for Space ROS released?
- Ivan created a Box account
- Doorstop (Git-based requirements tracking tool) not uploaded yet to Box