Started RMW Feature Freeze for Humble

As of today, the RMWs will be feature frozen in preparation for the upcoming Humble release on May 23rd. This means that we’ll no longer be accepting additional features to the RMWs, which includes rmw_fastrtps, rmw_cyclonedds, rmw_connextdds; as well as their vendor packages, Fast-DDS, Fast-CDR, cyclonedds, and iceoryx. We’ll still accept bug fixes to the RMWs.

One thing to note is that we’ll be accepting general features in the ROS 2 base packages until April 4th, when we’ll do a general feature freeze.

You can find more info on the Humble release timeline here: ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill (codename ‘humble’; May, 2022) — ROS 2 Documentation: Rolling documentation.


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