I brought up the Intel ROS Project and don’t know how to test it, port it to the TB3, or leverage it.
Intel ROS Project
I installed the Intel ROS Project because the diagram on it home page (see link above) suggested I should be able to use it to do interesting things. It also assures that the Movidius and RealSense APIs work well together. It was difficult to install because of the number of packages and instructions were written using different documentation, installation and test conventions. But I managed to complete that install after a couple false starts.
In the following paragraphs I document installation and test status to provide confidence that the install is promising. I am currently stuck. I don’t know what the next steps are.
- Movidius and RealSense ROS demos work.
- I had to install the Kobuki message package before I could complete the ROS Moving Object install: ros-kinetic-kobuki-msgs.
I executed the following in separate terminal windows. They executed without crashing and I could display an interesting rqt_graph.
$ roscore
$ roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch enable_pointcloud:=true enable_sync:=true
$ roslaunch object_analytics_launch analytics_movidius_ncs.launch input_points:=/camera/points
$ roslaunch moving_object moving_object.launch
$ roslaunch object_analytics_visualization rviz.launch
rviz displays “No Image” in its Image window. Clearly I have a publisher/subscriber message mismatch. My /camera/realsense2_camera node is publishing /camera/realseanse2_camera_manager/bond. I see nothing in the rqt_graph subscribed to this message.
$ rosnode list
rostopic list
/moving_object subscribes to the /object_analytics/tracking message from /object_analytics and it also subscribes to /tf_static from /camera. This demonstrates that a lot is working. rqt_graph image below.
The rqt_graph indicates that I have a fundamental disconnect about how to integrate the capabilities I have installed. Where do I go from here? Is there an example implementation and description that I can use to integrate all this into a proof of concept?
I think rviz is supposed to display the output of the RealSense camera. How do I make that happen?
I don’t have a well defined project. I’m having fun learning something new.
My current setup supports Kobuki. I have a tb3. What messaging capabilities must I port to tb3 to start that process? Does this question even make sense?
Support appears to be migrating to ROS2 more quickly than I expected. I am hoping to get a basic understanding of the ROS Intel Projecting using ROS1 before moving to ROS2. The transition will probably take me several months so I am getting this project to work in ROS1 will provide the reenforcement I need while I work on that transition. I want to see the power of the ROS Intel Project to motivate me. Is that reasonable?