[TB3] Two new TurtleBot3 Friends by ROBOTIS Japan

Hello back again Turtlebot lovers!

We have some news to share with you about some progress of the new Turtlebot3 Friends models that we, as ROBOTIS Japan, have developed until now.

We already had the opportunity with you about TB3 Pizza model before. And now, here we are to tell you that we could make some improvements and show it into the public in the previous 40th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan hold in Tokyo University.

In there, we had the opportunity to share and exchange many ideas and suggestions from many of the visitors. We are excited to already start with the new improvements and maybe show it with you in the next ROSCon JP 2022 in Kyoto :zipper_mouth_face:.

Until then, let us explain what we have done until now.
In the new TB3 Pizza model, we decided to power the robot with Makita-style batteries to easily change it when needed. And we are proudly to announce that, we have also prepared a simulation environment in Gazebo, so that you can also try the new model without the need to move out of your room!

Ready for some fun!? You can try it right now through our GitHub repository (turtlebot3_jp_custom) and just follow the steps below. Please, do not feel overwhelm if you cannot understand Japanese. We ave also prepared English documentation! Just select English in the top of the README file.


And then select the model you want to try first.

There are some new worlds in which you can try your navigation algorithms to its maximum potential. From static environments to dynamic worlds, have a look a them as well!

TB3 Pizza BACK

A part from Pizza model, a new version of the current Turtlebot3 Waffle Pi, we decided to modify it with some new big wheels. The TurtleBot3 Big Wheel can achieve linear velocity up to 0.50 m/s and angular velocity up to 3.41 rad/s. Almost twice its previous speed! Isn’t it amazing! :star_struck: By the way, it also counts with a ready to use Gazebo simulation environment.

Basing us in the previous Burger and Waffle Pi models, we have been able to modify and create these two new models (Pizza and Big_Wheels) by mainly adjusting some parameters in its source code. How could say, you could make a robot by copy-pasting :rofl:? So, if you do not know to start, you can always try to have some reference in our current robots’ source code.

Now, that you have the opportunity to try these new models, please let us know how to improve it. We were born ready to listen. Let’s make the next new era of Turtlebot3 Friends together!