Tractobots, my attempts at field robots

I am feeling a lot of pressure these days. I need to get in the field. I only have one dual-RTK receiver and I really don’t want to buy another one from NVS. It would be wonderful if I could get fusion working enough to make a single antenna receiver work. I greatly appreciate the help I’ve received in working toward that. However…

Today I decided to return to what I’ve done already. I realized that my tracked tractor, Tractobot02, has an IMU which assists the steering. That’s part of why it’s so easy to control. I wanted to take a similar approach to Tractobot03 - use the GPS for heading but then use the IMU for steering corrections. It simply worked.

I am still excited about ROS fusion goodness, rviz, and other great tools, but right now I’m going to use what I know in order to get in the field.